George S

Great friends!

Lake Powell
Lake Powell
While the boys where out golfing. Me, my mom, and Kayla went and got a massage! It was amazing! After that we went on a 3 mile hike in snow canyon... We took Eska on the hike with us and by the end she was a red dog from all the red sand. She looked so funny!
That night we went bowling. We have actually never been bowling with my parents so it was alot of fun! My mom suprised me and actually is way good at bowling! I definatly did not get that gene from her! I am the WORST at bowling!
The next day me and Ty played tennis, went golfing, and relaxed. Then headed home around five. Because of the warm weather Eska started to shed her winter coat! So by the time we got home the car was covered in white puppy hair! Good thing her hair is easy to vacum up!
It was a short vacation but totally needed!
The night before the game was crazy! We went to the famous"Bourbon Street" where the streets were lined with U of U and Alabama fans. One side of the street was U of U and the other Alabama. The fans would stand on the balconies yelling back and forth at each other and toss mardi gras beads at people on the street. It was a blast!
The Game was a riot! We sat on the 19th row so we were really close to the field! The best part about it was that we were outnumbered 10 to 1 by Alabama fans and we were still ten times louder! Even before the game started! The Utes started out with a big bang scoring three touch downs in the first 10 min! By that point mine and tys voice was already gone! By the end of the third quarter the Alabama fans had started to clear out and by the middle of the fourth quarter they were completly gone! After the game we had alot of Alabama fans that said Utah has the craziest fans they have ever seen!
New Orleans Cemetary
Because New Orleans is below sea level all the graves are above ground. Because of disease the coffins can only be opened every 366 days.