Hunting season is official over for the Jeffers family... We started out with the bow hunt in August and ended with the rifel hunt last weekend. This was just not Ty's year either.
On the bow hunt we literally didn't see a thing! At first we thought there was no deer out because of the full moon the night before but as the hunt went on and we saw nothing but doe's and came to the conclussion that the bucks knew it was hunting season and were staying as far away as they could. (Or just that we had a bad hunt, but we like to think it was the deer's fault and not ours... hehe)
Next, the elk/rifel hunt was an experiance. It rained, hailed, and snowed the entire time we were up there. It was so cold that there was no way i was going to go out hunting with Ty and his brother. So me and Carlee stayed in the trailer for 4 days straight playing cards, watching movies, and chit-chatting while the boys froze their butts off and didn't bring home anything. The first day out is the only day they saw a herd of elk. However, they did not draw any special tags this year so they could only shoot a spike. And it just so happened that spikes were the only thing that the herd did not consist of! The rest of the hunt they did not see another elk. But they did see that five point buck that we were looking for back on the bow hunt and they saw a huge moose that was so close it would have been a once in a lifetime shot!
After this experiance of hunting I have decided: One, that it is too cold for me to go out on the elk hunt and i will only participate in the bow/deer hunt. And two, you only see what you are not looking for when you are hunting! And finally my final conclusion: WE ARE GOING TO MONTANA TO HUNT NEXT YEAR! WHOO HOO!

You are a trooper Jess!! I send Kameron with his dad and turn the weekend in to a girls weekend with Karla. I give props to all those wives who go and freeze every year.
Hey Jess! I love your blog its so cute! How are you doing? How's being married?
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